Our Approach to Property and Landlord & Tenant Disputes

We are experienced in representing clients involved in property and landlord and tenant disputes in various forms which range from boundary disputes to recovery of possession. We appreciate that if you are involved in such a dispute, whether it is commercial or residential, it can put you under considerable strain. We therefore adopt a logical and pragmatic approach and try to resolve the dispute through negotiation, mediation or, if appropriate, other forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution.

The law can be complex in disputes involving property and landlords and tenants, with delay sometimes counting against the wronged party so it is important for you to obtain expert legal advice at an early stage to help resolve disputes.

Landlord & Tenant Dispute Solicitors

Types of Disputes

Our solicitors are experienced in representing clients involved in a wide range of disputes, covering many legal issues, including:

  • Boundary disputes and disputes between neighbours
  • Tenancy agreements – including rent arrears and rent increases.
  • Breach of covenants in a lease agreement
  • Termination, surrender and forfeiture.
  • Disrepair and dilapidations.
  • Service charges.
  • Break clauses.
  • Recovery of possession.
  • Rights of light and encroachments
  • Adverse possession.

TOLATA (Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act) Claims

We also advise clients in relation to disputes over the ownership of property otherwise known as TOLATA claims.

TOLATA claims often require an investigation of the contributions made to the property, financial or otherwise, by the parties concerned and also it is important to establish the source or where the money came from in order to demonstrate whether a non-owning party has acquired a beneficial interest in the property.

Other Property Claims

We also deal with disputes with lenders over mortgages and property misrepresentation claims often following an incorrect statement made to the purchaser of residential property in the Seller’s Property Information Form.

Using ADR in Property Disputes

Depending upon the value of the dispute, TOLATA claims as well as the other types of property claims, can often be resolved through an effective Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process avoiding protracted, costly and risky litigation. We often work with a mediator to find a dispute settlement between both parties.

And if you need help with issues like commercial agreements and contracts or joint ventures, we can provide legal advice on these matters too.

Servicing clients in Ascot, Bracknell, Camberley, Weybridge, Guildford and the surrounding areas.


Please contact our experienced property dispute lawyers for more information on property and landlord and tenant disputes.